
Dangers and Damages of Wearing High Heels



Cons of wearing high heels


High heels are popular among ladies because the heels are elevated in relation to the forefoot, creating the following effects:
1. the appearance of the calves is accentuated; 
2. the legs appear longer and more slender;
3. the feet look smaller;
4. the stature appears taller; and
5. the wearer's posture becomes more upright, making her appear more confident.

When walking with high heel shoes, the following changes occur in the wearer’s body:
1. the center of gravity is thrown forward;
2. the knees become more flexed (bent) as the heels strike the ground;
3. the pelvis is tilted forward;
4. the trunk is swayed backward in order to balance the forwardly tilted pelvis, thereby increasing the curve in the lower back (lumbar lordosis).

As a result of these changes, wearing high heel shoes will exaggerate the body curvature and increase the swaying and rotation of the pelvis, creating a sexier figure. 

Cons of wearing high heels

1. They can cause foot pain and metatarsalgia (inflammation of the metatarsal area of the foot). 
2. They can create foot deformities, including hammertoes, hallucis valgus and bunions. 
3. They can cause an unsteady gait (walking pattern). 
4. They can shorten the wearer’s stride in walking. 
5. The wearer is not able to walk fast or run safely. 
6. An altered transmission of force and an increased stress at the knees and the ankles may predispose the wearer to degenerative changes in the knees, the ankles and the lower back.


Dr. MAK, Kan-hing