
Rehabilitation after Total Hip Replacement


Rehabilitation exercise

How to prevent dislocation of the hip joint



1. To control pain 
2. Improve functional mobility of hip joint.
3. Improve strengthen and sustainability of muscles.
4. Return to normal usual daily activities.


Rehabilitation exercise

1. Under the supervision of physiotherapist, to perform hip flexion, abduction and extension exercise.
2. Strengthening exercise of the quadriceps muscle and hip muscles to improve their sustainability.
3. Leg and ankle exercise to improve venous return and to prevent deep vein thrombosis.
4. Deep breathing exercise to improve chest expansion and ventilation, prevent hypostatic pneumonia.
5. Weight bearing and standing exercise
6. Walking exercise with walking aids.

How to prevent dislocation of the hip joint

1. Avoid squatting and sitting on low chair
2. Put a soft pillow between the legs when lying on sides
3. Avoid bending down when lifting load
4. Avoid flexing the operated hip for more than 90 degrees (In the first 8 weeks, avoid flexing the hip for more than 60 degrees ), avoid turning the operated leg inside and crossing of lower limbs.
5. Consult a surgeon if there is sudden occurrence of giving way of the hip, or weakness, pain or swelling on the operated leg.



1. Exercise and rest should be well balanced to avoid exertion and injury.
2. Maintain an optimal body weight to avoid excessive pressure and stress to the knee joint.
3. Avoid squatting and sitting low chair.
4. Avoid excessive use and stress on the knee joint in order to decrease the wearing of the artificial joint. Judicious use of pushing cart instead of carrying heavy load. Use elevators and lifts for stairs and slopes.


Dr. Li Ka-kin